4 Reasons Schitt’s Creek is Loved on the Television Screen and the Social Screen


In my last post, I gave you guys a brief summary of the new social media trend, social television. Very simplified, social television is a combination of social media and television. People are engaging in social TV anytime they interact with the television shows they are watching on TV on social media. 

Just as brands use social media to create relationships with their consumers. Television networks can use social television strategies to develop relationships with their viewers. The research also suggests that networks can use these relationships to not only both create loyal audiences and build new audiences. Scroll through your social channels, and you’ll find countless examples of networks incorporating Social TV into their media strategy. 

Take a look at what The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation is doing with the show Schitt’s Creek. From their channels, it is clear they have fully embraced social television. However, it’s their smart social strategy that won them a Webby Award last year, which honors “the best of the internet.” So, after taking a closer look, I identified four genius ways the CBC and Schitt’s Creek are growing their audience on the big screen, from the small screen. 

1. They Post Exclusive Content

Fans want to know more about the television shows they love. Information is one of the main reasons people turn to social media while watching television. Schitt’s Creek’s Instagram provides followers with tons of additional information about the show.

The CBC creates behind the episode IGTV videos that provide fans with information that they wouldn’t get in an episode —which makes their viewing experience that much greater. Sprout Social’s Alex York points out that behind-the-scenes content is the “ideal tool to show your audience a more raw and authentic look into what makes your business unique” —or in this case, what makes your show unique.

2. They Create Shareable Content

Because the show is very campy and exaggerated, clips from Schitt’s Creek make excellent reaction GIFs. In her post, 30 Social Media Content Ideas and Examples for Brands, Hootsuite’s Terri Coles even calls the characters on Schitt’s Creek “very GIF-able.” The CBC decided to create their own collection of Schitt’s Creek GIFs.

Hootsuite’s Jimmy Thomson and Fergus Baird explain that users love using GIFs because they are a fun way to emphasize a point. Now, fans have a wide selection of Schitt’s Creek Gif to add to their own content. This is a smart move by the CBC because, as I mentioned in my last post, when viewers organically share program-specific content, they are essentially recommending that program to their followers.

3. They Start Inside Jokes 

Last month, the trailer for the highly anticipated film, The Crows Have Eyes 3: The Crowening was released on Interflix’s Twitter. The film is actually a fictional movie within the show. Nick Romano, for Entertainment Weekly, explains that “The CBC set up a promotional Twitter account for fake streamer Interflix and tweeted a series of updates creating hype for the fictional film.

Anyone who isn’t familiar with the show might actually think this is a real movie. More likely, they won’t understand the joke. This is the playful type of content that fans want to see. The post is accompanied by the hashtags #TheCrowening and #ISeeDarkness. Sprout Social’s Alex York points out that these more localized hashtags allow the CBC to target their audience more directly. Also, more distinct hashtags provide fans with a thread to interact with one another —which, according to the research, is something that fans want to do.

4. They Encourage a Fan Community

Schitt’s Creek’s social account always reposts user-generated content, like fan-made memes. Yes, these memes are entertaining for Schitt’s Creek followers, but by sharing them on their social channels, it is building a relationship between the fans and the network. Hootsuite’s Terri Coles says, posting user-generated content is “a great way to show some appreciation for your key customers.” It also creates a more loyal fan base and makes viewers feel more connected to the show.

As more networks and programs recognize the power of social TV, they should take note of Schitt’s Creek’s social strategy. Not only have they successfully incorporated industry best practices, but they have also found a way to connect with their audience on both the big screen and the small screen. 

What shows are you guys watching? Have you checked out their social channels? Let me know in the comments below. 

  1. tarablack93 says

    Schitt’s Creek has quickly become an all-time favorite show of mine and is a new cult classic. My friends who watch it are always sending me memes of David and Alexis that fit our conversation. As you mention, it is like being part of a fun inside joke, a community that gets me. Their social media team is genius and they have made the content relatable and shareable. I am waiting for a spin-off food network show where David and Moira, “fold in the cheese” . They are a show that is definitely doing social right.

  2. theryanpage says

    Schitt’s Creek is one of those shows that feels tailor-made for Twitter. The reactions of the actors are memes and gifs each and every one of them. The show also is smart and fast-paced, the writing for the show is quick and witty. Twitter is not always witty but it is fast-paced and quick. It is a very socially accessible show.

  3. Valerie Ward says

    I absolutely love Schitt’s Creek and I think you made a lot of smart points especially in the case of the inside joes. I only really started to watch the show because I wanted to know what all of my friends were quoting. Also, love your header!

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